High blood sugar affects every part of the body. Diabetes can cause problems with the teeth and gums. People that have diabetes need to be aware of these problems. Teeth and gum problems can develop, and become serious problems impacting your health if you do not maintain health blood sugar levels. What problems can develop? How can you prevent these complications?

Gum Disease

One of the symptoms of diabetes is a reduction in blood supplied to the gums. This increases your risk for gum disease. Poor dental hygiene can exacerbate the risk of developing gum the disease gingivitis and periodontitis. Diabetes reduces the body’s ability to fight an infection. This puts the gums at risk. Though gingivitis is less dangerous, if symptoms of gingivitis to the gums are not properly treated it will lead to periodontitis.

Contacting our office to be examined, and treated will reduce the chance of you developing periodontitis. If you develop red, swollen, and bleeding gums contact our office as soon as possible symptoms.

Periodontitis affects the supporting of your teeth. Damage to these tissues and bones causes your gums and jawbone to pull away from your teeth causing your teeth to loosen and potentially fall out. Bad breath that won’t go away and changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite are a clear sign you may have developed periodontitis. Periodontitis also raises blood sugar, which makes diabetes more difficult to manage.

Dry Mouth

Diabetes reduces your mouth’s saliva production. This dry mouth and a constant feeling of thirst can also lead to more serious dental issues such as, decay and contributes to gum disease. Saliva naturally protects and helps wash away plaque and tartar. A dry tongue, difficulty chewing, swallowing, or cracked lips need to be evaluated by our dentist.  Our dentist can prescribe a fluoride rinse to keep your mouth moisturized and prevent tooth decay. Avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol as well as spicy and salty foods to prevent symptoms from becoming worst.

Oral Care for Diabetes Patients

  • Effectively treatment to combat issues like gum disease and dry mouth includes.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss once per day.
  • Control your diabetes and avoid sugary foods that elevate your blood sugar.
  • Tell your dentist about diabetes to receive the best care possible for your specific needs.
  • Schedule regular visits to your dentist to monitor progress and to recognize new or worsening issues.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment to protect your oral health.  Our office is dedicated to caring for your teeth and health while managing your diabetes.